inflorescence, photograph by L.J.G. van der Maesen, NHN, Wageningen
leaves, flowers and pods, photograph by L.J.G. van der Maesen, NHN, Wageningen
flower, photograph by M.C. Roos, NHN, Leiden
flowers; photograph by Hugh T.W. Tan, Plant Systematic Laboratory, Singapore
leaves, inflorescence and young pods, photograph by J. Ridder-Numan, NHN, Leiden
young pods, photograph by G.P. Lewis, Herbarium Kew
pods, photogrpah by J. Ridder-Numan, NHN, Leiden
seeds, photgraph by C.R. Gunn in slide collection Herbarium Kew
pinna, leaflets, flower, flower parts and (open) pod, drawing by H. Lamourdedieu in Flora of Thailand 4 (1), f. 15