Authors: Wight ex Arnott
Morphological description (fraxinif Acro Ic Bernecker )
Trees . Stipules small, caducous.
Leaves spirally arranged, impari- or paribipinnate. Leaflets petiolulate.
Inflorescences axillary, solitary, sometimes few-branched, branches with spike-like racemes, erect, bottle-brush-like; bracts and bracteoles small, caducous.
Flowers bisexual, pedicelled. Hypanthium cupular. Calyx lobes 5, imbricate. Petals 5, imbricate. Disk cupular, completely united with the hypanthium. Stamens 5; anthers versatile, introrse. Ovary with a free stipe, oblong or linear, 10–20-ovuled; style and stigma not sharply distinct from the ovary, incurved, pointed at the apex.
Pods erect, elongate, flattened, long-stipitate, narrowly winged along the adaxial suture, 2-valved; valves straight, thin-coriaceous, (3–)10–18-seeded.
Seeds slightly lens-shaped, smooth, not albuminous.
So far known only one species in eastern India, Burma, Thailand, Laos, China, and Malesia: Acrocarpus fraxinifolius (Acrocarpus fraxi lf/inf/fl FT10 ).
Forest, altitude 600–1200 m.