Crudia ripicola

Author: de Wit

Morphological description
Tree 15-20 m high and 20-60 cm in diameter. Stipules intrapetiolar, 3-4 mm long, deciduous.

Leaves 5- or 6(-8)-foliolate, petioled; petiole and rachis 6-14 cm long, prolonged beyond the upper petiolule into a short, caducous process (c. 2 mm long), often only the lower part or scar seen on a specimen; petiolules short, 4-9 mm, slightly puberulous. Leaflets firmly chartaceous or subcoriaceous, elliptic-, obovate- or ovate-oblong, 10-18(-21) by 3-6(-8) cm, the lower ones usually smaller; apex acuminate or rather abruptly acuminate; base cuneate, acute, obtuse, or rounded, symmetric or asymmetric; glabrous, often glossy above, loosely minutely, appressed puberulous, slightly to prominently glaucous beneath; nerves 5-8 per side.

Inflorescences racemose, axillary, up to 31 cm long, pendulous, the rachis minutely puberulous, abundantly flowered; bracts triangular, 1.5-4.5 mm long, puberulous or subglabrous; bracteoles ovate, 1-1.5 mm long; pedicels 4-7 mm, articulated at the base, puberulous (ripicola Crudia infl/lf 139566).

Flowers yellowish green, puberulous outside. Hypanthium c. 1 mm long, glabrous inside. Calyx lobes elliptic, c. 6 by 3 mm, glabrous inside. Stamens 10; filaments up to c. 10 mm, glabrous; anthers c. 1 mm long. Pistil stipitate; stipe free, c. 2 mm long, densely hairy often at the upper half, glabrous at about the lower half; ovary c. 5 mm long, 4-ovuled; style up to c. 12 mm, glabrous except often hairy towards the base; stigma obscure, slightly thicker than the style.

Pods (young) slightly obliquely oblong, 6.5-10 by 3.5-5 cm, flat, not beaked, almost obliquely truncate at the base, shortly brown hairy.

Seeds very young (one pod with only one seed and 3 undeveloped ovules).

Malesia: Borneo (Kalimantan).

Habitat & Ecology
In forests rather common on low river-banks, or occurring in small groups in the forest on temporarily inundated grounds, up to c. 15 m altitude Flowering in June; fruiting in June and July.