Caesalpinia mindorensis

Author: (Merrill) Hattink

Morphological description
Liana ; branchlets glabrous, more or less armed with prickles. Stipules scale-like, c. 0.5 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, appressed.

Leaves: bipinnate; rachis 20–35 cm, glabrous, unarmed or with prickles; pinnae 10–13 pairs, 5–18 cm long, shortly hairy, unarmed. Leaflets petiolulate (0.5–1 mm), 16–24 pairs per pinna, oblong, rarely obovate, 8–22 by 4–8 mm; base rounded to cordate; apex retuse; glabrous or hairy at the base beneath.

Inflorescences supra-axillary and terminal, serial or racemose, 10–30 cm long, or paniculate 20–50 cm long, the rachis pubescent; bracts boat-shaped, 4–5 by 1 mm (incl. the 2–3 mm bristle), hairy; pedicels 8–15 mm, pubescent, articulated 1–2 mm below the top.

Flowers (mindorensis Caes fl Reinw9/8 ) yellow, pubescent. Hypanthium 2 mm deep and 6 mm wide. Sepals 6–8 by 3–5 mm, ciliate. Petals 7–10 by 4–10 mm, clawed (claw up to 4 mm long). Stamens exserted; ¾laments 11–13 mm; anthers 1.5 mm long, glabrous. Pistil glabrous; ovary 3–4 mm long, 1- or 2-ovuled; style 6–12 mm, stigma 1 mm in diameter, shortly ciliate.

Pods (mindorensis Caes pod Reinw9/4 )(pedicels 20–30 mm), fleshy, indehiscent, 6–9 by 2–3 cm (incl. the 5–8 mm wide longitudinal wing along the upper side), base attenuate, top rounded and often hooked, 1-seeded.

Seeds orbicular, flat, 7 mm in diameter, dull.

Malesia: Philippines (Mindoro, Biliran, Mindanao).

Secondary forests, edge of swamps, thickets, at low altitudes.