Genus Kalappia

Author: Kostermans

Morphological description (Kalappia celebica compl FM36 )
Tall trees . Stipules ?

Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, often 5-foliolate. Leaflets alternate or sometimes opposite, petiolulate.

Inflorescences axillary, paniculate; bracts and bracteoles very small, caducous; bracteoles 2, enclosing young flower bud.

Flowers bisexual, slightly zygomorphic, pedicelled. Hypanthium absent. Calyx lobes 5, almost free. Petals 5, erect-patent, clawed, with the 2 lateral (outermost) ones larger. Disk absent. Stamens 7-9 (4 or 5 fertile, 2-4 staminodes), unequal, free; anthers basifixed, bent inward horizontally, apex slightly projecting, dehiscing by terminal pores or short slits. Ovary sessile, flattened, 3-5-ovuled; style slightly incurved; stigma terminal, obscure.

Pods oblong, flattened, narrowly winged along the ventral suture, dehiscent, valves thin-coriaceous, 1-3-seeded.

Seeds flat, disk-like; cotyledons flat.

Monotypic, restricted to Malesia: Celebes.

In lowland forest.

The stamens of this genus number 7-9 (4 or 5 of them fertile and 2-4 staminodial). Hutchinson (1964: 229) erroneously described "stamens 10, free, 2 fertile, remainder abortive or reduced to staminodes".